Savoring Our Lives

601 - BBQ and Cornhole



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week’s episode, we: Celebrated an Abby-versary This week marks the one-year anniversary of bringing Abby home. [caption id="attachment_994" align="alignright" width="300"] Rise and Shine Burger at Mainstream Bar and Grill[/caption] Enjoyed date night in Waukesha We visited Mainstream Bar & Grill on main street in Waukesha. Chad had the Rise and Shine Burger which he dubbed, "The Chad Burger." Visited Ravinia Festival to see Seal We drove to Ravinia in Highland Park, found parking on the festival grounds and hung out with Seal. It was his "Standards" tour so the first half of the show was '50s covers; the second half was a Seal dance party. See a set list from the tour. [caption id="attachment_996" align="alignright" width="225"] Seal at Ravinia Festival[/caption] Got some test results Ruth had the CT scan of her liver. Turns out, in addition to some hemangiomas which are NBD, they also found a 3cm legion which has a blood flow going to it. which is so not cool. She n