Heifer Podcast

Jan West Schrock



Youve heard the proverb, Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and youll feed him for a lifetime. Thats what Heifer does! Heifer works by giving people the skills and gifts they need to lift themselves out of poverty. Through the gift of a cow, a goat, a flock of geese, or a hive of bees, families gain a source of nutrition and income. They can feed their families the milk from the cow or the eggs from their chickens, and sell the excess milk or eggs to send their children to school. Heifers model is so successful because each family who receives a gift from Heifer has to pass on that gift or pay it forward creating a chain of giving. The first female offspring or equivalent is passed on to another member of that community, helping others help themselves. Its powerful and empowering. The podcast producers, Jesse and Jeane Stern, are Heifer supporters who decided to use their unique gifts and talents to help spread the word about this incredible organization.