Barbells & Banter Podcast

Episode 35: Lion of Fallujah 2018



CrossFit Hardshells hosted their 4th annual “Lion of Fallujah” event, honoring Major Doug Zembiec who was a member of the CIA's Special Activities Division's Ground Branch. Maj. Zembiec was killed in action while serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2007. Bob and Angel got the chance to chat with Michelle and Linda from an organization called We Got Your Six. Their mission is to preserve and support the health of military troops in dealing with PTSD and other issues they face after combat, and upon re-entry to civilian life. They were also joined by by former Washington Redskins’ players Gary Clark (Gary Clark Incorporated) and Ravin Caldwell. Friend of the show, Luis Martinez even stopped by to chat with the fellas. He is a former professional baseball player who has played for the San Diego Padres, Boston Red Sox, and the Baltimore Orioles. ----------------------------- © 2018 Barbells & Banter