Ac Primetime W/ Mel Taylor. Atlantic City News, Info, Events.

Bolaris, Playground, Real Estate, Blatstein, Weather in Atlantic City. Listen >



John Bolaris at Playground Pier John Bolaris shared some personal stories on the Atlantic City Boardwalk on Friday, April 8. ACprimetime Radio played host to the world famous weather-caster / Real Estate exec as he visited Playground Pier in front of Caesars Casino. The Triax Radio / Media Studio was buzzing as Bolaris, now a hi-end Real Estate exec, shared a mix of heart-felt, serious and often hilarious stories about the personal challenges and the evolution of his career. Bolaris now represents and provides weather updates for METRO Newspapers Some topics covered on AC Primetime Radio with John Bolaris >  How friend Bart Blatstein is making smart Real Estate investments in both Philly & Atlantic City Making out with Jane Robelot His WeatherSavoir feed on Twitter Said no to HUGE stay close to his 12 yr old daughter Vanessa Williams & Miss America apology What if Bolaris was in charge of selling Atlantic City Real Estate How often has he watched 'The Perfect Storm'