Ac Primetime W/ Mel Taylor. Atlantic City News, Info, Events.

ACprimetime Radio for 6.27.2016



The big stories we’re following on & talking about on ACprimetime RADIO… Britain voted to exit the European Union….should the AC tourism district exit the City of Atlantic City? Is AC finally rightsized with casinos? THE LAST person you should ask is a competing casino manager or long-distance financial analyst that thinks gambling must stay dominant part of AC economy. Is the PRESS OF AC picking winners & losers in AC? Is local MEDIA ….BAD for AC? $1.7 million…..The most recent AC auction raised selling off vacant land.  Up next….the closed bid auction for Bader Field. But the question remains…. Why didn’t city auction off Garden Pier and the old volley ball court between REVEL & Showboat? Guv Christie is NOT confident in Mayor Don Guardian coming up with a financial rescue plan for Atlantic City. Pot is legal in philly, Arizona, wash DC….and soon vegas & Nevada…..but why not AC? Councilman Marty Small is NOT in favor of this smart money raising idea Security cams being installed on boa