Ac Primetime W/ Mel Taylor. Atlantic City News, Info, Events.

Atlantic City Transparency Act; Kurtz & City Council Considers Webcasting



Atlantic City may soon WEBCAST it's council meetings. Atlantic City Councilman Jesse Kurtz introduced that no-brainer idea, part of his so-called Transparency Act on Wednesday night. It quickly passed the 'first reading'. LISTEN TO PODCAST. Background: In 2013, next door in Brigantine; the island just north of Atlantic City, began Internet broadcasting....and archiving... video of their City Council meetings. It was great & cheap way for MORE people to watch city government at work....either live or later on-demand. Councilman Jesse Kurtz The Brigantine City Manager said the plan was to create an archive of recordings for residents to peruse on demand. This archive would live on Youtube. Much like Atlantic City, Brigantine Taxpayers had been asking for this for a long time....for greater transparency, and better accessibility for second home-owners and those who can't attend 5pm meetings at City Hall. Some on council initially balk at being recorded. Some suggest they're just fearful more taxpayers will