Ac Primetime W/ Mel Taylor. Atlantic City News, Info, Events.

EPIC FAIL. Atlantic City Media: Election, Economy, Public Trust



Listen> ACprimetime RADIO: Can you trust the mainstream media? Nope. Can you trust Facebook? Fake news and inaccurate reporting …..affects not only who’s in the White House……but what outside investors….and visitors….think about Atlantic City. Will the new Stockton university in Atlantic City…ready for student by FALL 2018.. have plenty of SAFE SPACES available for millenials who are easily offended? New, bigger, longer... Fortified Boardwalk & inlet seawall. Well on it’s way to completion. Will Atlantic City fishermen still have access to jetties? That dynamic duo of the airwaves…..representing the community…..Kevin Hall…and Henry Hank Green…of the Kevin Hall Show Program…invited a rising star in the AC journalism community to their friday night radio show…..we’ll play some clips of Christian Hetrick of the Press of AC. AC councilman William Speedy Marsh. They cant fire him from his Pleasantville school facilities director position Congressman Frank Lobiondo had his personal space invaded by a very angr