Ac Primetime W/ Mel Taylor. Atlantic City News, Info, Events.

Wildwood vs Atlantic City. Who Has Better Concert Deal?



LISTEN > ACprimetime Radio & tracks the Re-invention of Atlantic City. Sometimes we take a look at our coastal neighbors along the South Jersey shore. Some towns compete with each other, some are in the same boat as AC, some are directly affected by what happens in AC. Ventnor, Margate, Ocean City…..and even way down there in Wildwood…. a community that never got fat n happy….and lazy…..relying on casino gaming cash flow…. like Atlantic City did. Wildwood.... the Beach Concert King? Could Wildwood leap frog Atlantic City as the Summertime beach concert king? Wildwood in now in direct competition .. more than ever… with Atlantic City for the most popular shows. Compare the Wildwood promoter concert deal... with the concert deal that AC puts together with their promoter; Live Nation. In Wildwood, the concert promoter ponies up the cash to produce the show and guarantees it won't be a money loser. In Atlantic City, the concert promoter collects all kinds of big money upfront. The city then h