Ac Primetime W/ Mel Taylor. Atlantic City News, Info, Events.

Atlantic City & Downbeach Prep for View Killing Dune Work



Bye Bye Ocean Views LISTEN > Atlantic City is already well aware of the harmful affects of mountainous dunes along the Boardwalk. And in a few weeks, Margate & Ventnor will get to enjoy some ugly dune building as well. Listen to ACprimetime Radio Podcast. Here come the Downbeach dunes... featuring discussion on Harry Hurley WPG 1450 Radio show. Obstruct the summer views & cool breezes on Absecon Island. These unsightly & un-needed sand mountains hurt home & business values as well. Most real estate agents think so too. NOTE: sand replenishment IS needed in front of Showboat & well as in Longport. A handful of Margate homeowners kept up the good fight though. They dug deep and bankrolled their own lawsuit to keep fake dunes out of this section of Absecon Island. On Feb 3, those homeowners suffered another loss. A U.S. District Court Judge ruled the proposed dunes would NOT cause a nuisance, be a public health hazard, or harm any beachfront homes in Margate. The City of Margate reluctantly raise