Archangel Metatron Forecast

Ep 105 "Financial Responsibility"



ENERGY REPORT for the week of Nov 13-19th, 2017. This week your energy is best spent being financially responsible. As you think before you spend and simplify your life, sharing your abundance with others or being more present with your spending you will reap many rewards this week. A pleasant surprise awaits you as the good you do for others is now returned, unexpected cash arrives in your life, or an opportunity to borrow wisely or pay off a debt presents itself. Angel Talk Tuesday is a weekly show at 7am PST ~ 8am MT ~ 9am CST ~ 10am EST. Dial in and LISTEN live: 1-646-876-9923 Meeting ID#: 756 226 370 Where is your energy best spent this week? Should you focus on finances, relationships or career?