Archangel Metatron Forecast

Ep. 107 "Gratitude & Grace"



"Angel Talk Tuesday" Ep#107 FULL SHOW: "Gratitude & Grace" ENERGY REPORT for the week of Nov 27th - Dec 3rd, 2017 Angel Talk Tuesday is a weekly show hosted TUESDAYS at 7am PST ~ 8am MT ~ 9am CST ~ 10am EST. Dial in and LISTEN live: 1-646-876-9923 Meeting ID#: 756 226 370 Or join us on Zoom live at 9:00am CST: This week your energy is best spent acknowledging and being grateful for your life. Let go of issues the holidays may be bringing up for you and make the choice to be happy now. As you move into the flow of gratitude a portal of grace and ease begins to open and all moves into alignment.