All The Things With Melissa Danielle

Your Website is Not That Important



Not in the beginning, anyway. Too many new health coaches get overwhelmed and frustrated by web design, hosting, and creating content to the point that of not taking action on what's most important: getting clients. You don't need a website to get clients.  Today I share the simplest thing you can do to create a web presence that will free you to focus on the other important tasks you need to complete to build your health coaching practice. What were your takeaways?  Let me know in the comments below or over here in my Linkedin Group. You can also respond to me on Twitter @honeybholistic with hashtags #growyourselfcoaching and #IINHealthCoach. Thinking of becoming a health coach? Here's what's good to know: Visit to learn more about my experience with Institute for Integrative Nutrition's Professional Health Coach Training Program and to take advantage of my Ambassador Enrollment offer. I am a Graduate Ambassador of Institute for Integrative Nutrition and may receive compens