All The Things With Melissa Danielle

Are Murals the New Kale?



Mondays with Melissa is hosted on the Blubrry platform using the Blubrry PowerPress plugin. Thinking of starting your own podcast? Try it free for one month through this link. This episode contains strong language.  There’s a mural of native (to Brooklyn) trees painted on the side of a business in Bedford-Stuyvesant. After reading the proud muralist’s FB post presenting the completed work about how she was “Inspired by ideas of transforming the private into public, environmental justice, and community, I’ve reimagined the restoration of this forest in a neighborhood devoid of accessible and prominent green space,” I responded by highlighting the prominent green space that does in fact exist in Bed-Stuy, and that we have to be really careful about our use of language and limit of perception when speaking about space and place, especially in communities like Bed-Stuy. She went on to dismiss me (and several others) about what constituted "easily accessible" and prominent green space based on her lived expe