Savoring Our Lives

413 - Earworm



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week’s episode we: Got an Instant Pot [caption id="attachment_775" align="alignright" width="300"] Instant Pot Korean Beef[/caption] We took the plunge and purchased a refurbished Instant Pot. Our first recipe was Korean beef. We were amazed at how it worked (and had to consult the user manual online). Headed out for date night We went to Tenuta's in Bay View for Italian. Ruth got the mushroom ravioli and it was delicious. We'll definitely be back and we'll have to try the pizza! [caption id="attachment_774" align="alignright" width="225"] Mushroom Ravioli at Tenuta's[/caption] Spent too much on wine On Wednesday, we ordered by the glass and it was way more expensive than simply buying a bottle. Then, we were off to wineza with more wine. And finally on Saturday, we visited the new Total Wine near our house and brought wine home. Got "How Far I'll Go" stuck on a loop in our heads We heard the main song from Disney's Moana while shopping at Total Wine. Neither of us knows