Oregon Buds

Episode 11 Going Solo with Jefferson Packing House



Hello Everyone and welcome back to Oregon Buds! I would say with your buds, Mikal and Chuck but this week was a little out of whack! In this episode we had two wonderful people come up from Medford to spread the word of their amazing endeavor. Matthew and Natalie are from Jefferson Packing House which is a one stop shop for growers and gardeners. It is a great business plan to take away the burdens of all the work after growing. Jefferson Packing House picks up your flower, dries and cures it, then they trim and properly store you flower for sale. Now instead of dispensaries having 5,10 and 15 flower vendors come through their door, they now can go to one place and check it all out. What an amazing idea! I had the pleasure to interview them solo and get to know their story.  Unfortunately Mikal could not get away from the grow and join us for the interview and I got sick, AGAIN. We were unable to do our usual intro, testing and current events talk but we found the next best thing! Morgan, Mikal's Wife, came t