Blonde Ambition

Blonde Ambition #4: KAV



London didn't quite know what had hit it when KAV & his band took the city by storm by performing 3 gigs in 3 venues all in one night!!! Starting off at the legendary 100 Club on Oxford Street for London Calling with 'Dog's' Heading North to Camden to play in the converted Stables that is The Proud Galleries with 'Guildean Gang' before returning central to SIN for the final gig for London Caling with 'The Thirst' 'Skallywags' & 'The Krak'!! what a night it was...take a listen to the journey I boarded with the rock n roll 4-some!! "Kav, leads his 'band of pirates' on a journey that makes no attempt to conform to the modern indie sound. Heavy bluegrass riffs cast against a plaintive Lou Reed-esque vocal set them apart from anything about at the moment.... Lizard King and Killing Yourself are stylishly bluesy while final song and current EP Blaggers'n'Liars peers down like a mature but broody Black Rebel Motorcycle Club." Tracks include: Lizard King Blaggers n Liars Easy Satantic