Savoring Our Lives

410 - Eating Too Much



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week’s episode, we: Saw our neighbors put their house up for sale We were sad to see the "For Sale" sign in our neighbor's front yard this week. It's a lovely home and Mark and Kathy are some of the coolest people on the block. If you're cool and are looking for a house, take a peek here. Watched "The Cutting Edge" Chad enjoys the movie "The Cutting Edge" and since the story is all about the Olympics, we decided to watch it. Ruth had never seen it and really didn't care for it. #toepick [caption id="attachment_707" align="alignright" width="300"] Look at all that food in Tini's tummy![/caption] Visited the Emergency Vet Tini and Abby conspired to get into a new 22-lb bag of dog food which was in a closet. Tini managed to eat a POUND of food. It was obvious she was uncomfortable so Ruth chose to take her to the vet to get the food out and help her feel better. [caption id="attachment_709" align="alignright" width="300"] Hangover Burger at Bass Bay[/caption] Dined out eve