Savoring Our Lives

409 - Zombies



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week’s episode, we: [caption id="attachment_695" align="alignright" width="300"] Half-Birthday Flowers[/caption] Had Beagle Adventures The girls had their nails trimmed on Monday and we got to help. Later in the week, each of them treed different wildlife - a possum and a pair of raccoons- in the yard. Celebrated Ruth's Half-Birthday Ruth never got to celebrate her birthday during the school year when she was a kid because her birthday was during the summer. So she deemed the six-month mark her half-birthday and this year, Chad bought her flowers! [caption id="attachment_697" align="alignright" width="225"] Zombies from the Beyond[/caption] Saw "Zombies from the Beyond" We went to see a musical called "Zombies from the Beyond." It was a silly, campy spin on '50s sci-fi movies. The play is set at the "Milwaukee Space Center" and there are a number of Milwaukee references throughout the show. We can only best describe it as layers of weird. Activity Update Last week we tal