Accent Adventure Podcast: Improve English Pronunciation | Learn American English | Learn British English

Ignore Extreme Opinion When Working on Your English Pronunciation!



VIDEO TRANSCRIPT BELOW: Hello, guys! Hello, boys and girls, and welcome back to Accent Adventure video blog! I'm Robby, accent learning enthusiast, English fluency expert, and your friend above everything else! And, now, I'm back with another Accent Adventure video blog. To tell you the truth guys, I haven't been publishing on this website for more than half a year now, which is a long, long time. And to be totally honest with you, I wasn't sure for some period of time whether I was going to continue with this blog or I was just going to let it die a slow and natural death. But, lately, I decided - why not? I just could publish a video every now and then to keep those of you happy who are keen on following my accent learning adventures, right? And currently, as you may guess, I'm speaking with the General American pronunciation. But, funnily enough, some people think that I don't sound like an American English speaker AT ALL, which is obviously not true. Yes, I know for a fact that anyone can tell right fr