Ck Collective With Cindy Keating

Producing Fruit ft. Glen Madden



Oh how the parable of the sower speaks to our hearts as Christians – sometimes it’s rocky, other times it’s shallow, some days it’s choked and other times it’s fertile. The Christian life is never stagnant. It ebbs and flows with change like that of varying weather conditions. On the podcast today we’re talking about fruit and what producing it looks like in one’s life. Through the lens of Mark 4, we read about the importance of asking ourselves a couple of very honest questions: is my life producing the kind of fruit the Father desires for me to produce? What does good fruit look like? What does good soil look like? What does the non-choked life look like? “The brutal truth is, if somebody, somewhere, is not actively getting closer to Jesus as a result of our lives, then we are not producing fruit and we are not good soil.” –Glen Madden Basically, Christianity makes for a really rubbish hobby because God never created it to be an add-on to the rest of our lives. A healthy Christian life is about be