Savoring Our Lives

402 - Wine and Science



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week's episode, we: [caption id="attachment_587" align="alignright" width="225"] Doctor Who in a theater[/caption] Saw Doctor a theater Chad and Ruth are both Doctor Who fans and were thrilled to have the opportunity to see the 2017 Christmas special, "Twice Upon A Time," in a theater! Ruth completed a 365-day meditation challenge That's one year of meditating every day! Ruth learned some lessons and shares what she learned from it. Savored every sip On Friday, Chad noticed Ruth made an "aaaah" noise after she took a sip of coffee. She was thinking, "This sip is awesome," and was savoring every bit of the experience. [caption id="attachment_588" align="alignright" width="300"] Cheese Curds at West Allis Cheese & Sausage Shoppe[/caption] Went out for lunch...a lot We visited El Beso for tacos and margaritas; Bier & Burger for burgers; and West Allis Cheese & Sausage Shoppe for sammies. We tried the cheese curds at both Bier & Burger and West Allis