Like What I Like

Candice DeBébé/Jem & The Holograms (IDW)



Hold on to your devilishly fashionable hats folks, cause this is a big one! We recap and fawn over the first 15 issues of IDW's Jem And The Holograms and Mark stomps around a bit and sighs about the bizarre and often utterly terrible video game antics of Candice Debébé's Incredibly Trick Lifestyle! Show notes (from when it was originally published):  - This one ran a bit too long! So long, in fact, that we maxed out our file limit for the month and had to lower the quality a tad, so apologies for the slight landline-like tinge to the audio! - Jem #16 doesn't come out today. I think it's due next week now, but I'm not entirely sure. - The Steam Sale is indeed tomorrow, why not pick up Candice Debébé and Antichamber at quite possibly reduced prices! - Writing show notes is a lot more fun than I expected it to be. I think I'm going to do this more often.Our theme music is by Abru aka colonthree, used with permission: