Savoring Our Lives

311 - Dining on Mondays



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week's episode, we: Made a Movie War list We went through Netflix and watched trailers for old, bad movies. We now have a good list for Movie War and will offer some reviews in future episodes - because The Ice Pirates needs some internet love. [caption id="attachment_529" align="alignright" width="300"] Wine and Small Plates at La Merenda[/caption] Found an open restaurant on Monday Apparently restaurants being closed on Mondays is still a thing. We were going to head out and realized half our list of date night restaurants are closed on Mondays. But in good news, we found La Merenda was open and they were thrilled to see us! Chad was in Minneapolis And learned that one Mai Tai is plenty! [caption id="attachment_531" align="alignright" width="300"] Christmas in the Ward - photo by Cindy Lesky[/caption] Ruth had a work event It was the 29th Annual Christmas in the Ward on Friday, so wineza was a little late! Thought about keeping in touch Our friend Phil shared a graphic