Command Line (audio)

Coding and life in Germany from the perspective of a foreign engineer (ENG) | Command Line 4



Big show today! On this week's episode we are having the very first guest on the show and since he has recently moved from Brazil to Germany, we take this opportunity and talk about German labour market from programmer's perspective and other related topics. Discussed matters include, but are not limited to: types of industries you can work for in Germany today: gaming, car renting, couple of different big players and plenty of startups technologies required by the market: java, node.js, ruby (going down), some python, front end technologies what is Elixir, what is it good for? Some basics about the foundations of the language European Blue Card - what is that and how to get it? taxes and legal forms of employment salary: what to expect, how to negotiate Culture stuff: lifestyle, inclusive environment, beer etc. Mentioned resources: a book: Salary Tutor a portal with offerings for startup jobs: GitHut South Park's Funnybot Leandro's brand new blog on Elixir Find us on Twitter: @fredblack