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Seed Soil Water with Brittany Sunshyne Tate



Brittany ‘Sunshyne’ Tate is a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur, Social Justice Advocate, author of Through It: Unveiling the Conqueror Within, and Founder of SeedSoilWater.Today - a tribe of seekers for health and healing in mind, body, and spirit. She has always been passionate about writing, equality, and justice. Brittany is a creative solutionist, a believer in divine purpose and freedom for all. Through grace, her faith relationship is blazing her trail to peace. Brittany believes we are all created to create; each of us blessed with unique gifts and solutions to offer the world. Summary Brittany tells Alison a little about where she started, and what drives her. She also talks about how she found the work she does today. She gives an explanation of her book, and describes the process that occurred in order for her to write the contents within the book. Brittany also shares with Alison some of the things she's involved in, and how she maintains action within her calling and purpose. Quotes “Giving the voice