Wonder Junkie Podcast - Pete Bailey

EP26 - Hunter & The Bear (Will Irvine)



Welcome to episode 26 of the Wonder Junkie Podcast ft Will Irvine from Hunter & The Bear.  If you haven't heard of Hunter & The Bear before, they're inspired by artists such as The Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Bruce Springsteen. Will & Jimmy started to write and perform as a duo. Jimmy took responsibility for lead guitar, mandolin and vocal whilst beside him Will not only played rhythm guitar but also kick drum and joint lead vocals. That's a very short summary, but hopefully, you get the idea. Anyway, was really great to catch up with Will, have known him and the guys for a few years now and finally got a chance to say thank you for letting me use their song "Burn It Up" as the music for Wonder Junkie.  We chatted about a whole load of different things, from going to Uni in Newcastle, touring with Eric Clapton and how it can actually be harder to play in front of 5 people rather than 5000 people.  Their new album Paper Heart is out now and it's awesome, available on iTunes, Spotify etc.  Facebook - http