Barber Shop Podcast




We are all the sum of our parts, a product of genetics and environment. Nobody gets here alone, and the brief time we shine on this earth is finite, the marks we leave are testament to our worldly influences. Brian Andreas is such a wonderful amalgamation such heady influences born of his era, his fathers era and the random happen-chances that dot our collective landscapes. The music seemed at once familiar, giving voice to the words that would follow. Exploring possibilities and opportunities saw a few good mates and a few more lessons about the life in music he was now seeing appear. Being blessed with a voice that can carry a note to the mountaintop and soar above the electric cacophony was his ticket - the rare bird whose words become instrumental music in its own right. Sewing these seeds lead to the band ANDREAS, a five piece that were as big and bold as the space would allow, the pageantry served accordingly. Today ANDREAS consists of Brian and the sweet keys of fellow alum Jenny Lockwood, providing