Mild Peril

Episode 38- Flipper



Grab your drunk pelican, a ten-year supply of SpaghettiOs, and your favourite oversized Smashing Pumpkins t-shirt because we're watching the 1996 marine mammal comedy opus, 'Flipper.' Danielle tries to look cool while Elijah Wood is only a few feet away from her at SXSW, Sam pitches 'Eyes: The Movie,' and we both find high-pitched screams hilarious. Notes- *Sam mentions remembering that "Roll to Me" by Del Amitri is in 'Flipper.' This isn't the case BUT the song was used in previews for the film. *The "Ollie the Otter" song Danielle mentions is by a band called Formerly Known as Oedipusaurus Rex. Danielle knows nothing about this band and is pretty sure she only owns this song because someone put it on a mix CD for her in high school since she loves otters. *You know you want to see Danielle's infamous picture with Elijah Wood. Here it is: