

Clean & Edited Version   [ Flash player down. Check back later! ]var so = new SWFObject("", "Titanic", "192", "67", "7", "#FFFFFF"); so.addVariable("autoPlay", "no"); so.addVariable("overColor","#5D92B1"); so.addVariable("soundPath", ""); so.write("Titanic"); SFW. Explicit Version [ Flash player down. Check back later! ]var so = new SWFObject("", "Titanic2", "192", "67", "7", "#FFFFFF"); so.addVariable("autoPlay", "no"); so.addVariable("overColor","#5D92B1"); so.addVariable("soundPath", ""); so.write("Titanic2"); NSFW! Highly explicit/offensive. A lot more material in this one, about 100x the laughs! Very sloppily edited, you've been warned. (PS. Forgive Mewsette for being so loud - the computer was right in-front of her when recording.)