Authority Academy Radio With Brett Campbell

AATV Ep #5: The Right Things At The Wrong Times



http:/ Transcription: Are you spending time doing the right things, but at the wrong time? Hey, it's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of Authority Academy. Today I want to talk about a topic that I think is strife in the entrepreneurial world. It's this topic of, "Are you working on the right things, but at the wrong time?" You see that so often. With the creation of Authority Academy and the Authority Roadmap, where we literally have a nine step system, what it takes to really build an online presence, to build an online business, and to really become and authority in your particular industry, no matter what industry. We're not going to go into those nine components right now, but I want to talk about a couple of those and maybe create some light bulbs for you right now. I see so many entrepreneurs, they come to me, and they're going, "Brett, I need more leads. I need more fans on my Facebook page." I'm like, "Cool, okay. I get that. We do need that, so it is a right thing,