Why We Are Vegan Podcasts

Why We Are Vegan is Podcasting! - Why We Are Vegan Podcasts



Check out the FIRST session - Our Intro! I, Gabrielle, am now podcasting Why We Are Vegan Podcasts, having just finished the preliminary set-up and intro to get my toes wet. Bear with me as I learn how to swim in these new waters; they're friendly enough, so I'm excited to be embarking on this new adventure. Phoebe will join me occasionally for some podcast banter, too. Heads-up - those will likely be the silly ones, though if I get comfortable enough with hosting this show over the Internet airwaves, who knows what might come out of my mouth (grin). Why We Are Vegan will also be including videos in our blogs - vlogging as Phoebe and I visit vegan-friendly or 100% vegan businesses that we find interesting or awesome. Our first video test includes another way to listen to the podcasts: https://youtu.be/gdCMkZH-4cA. As I get the hang of this, you'll be able to enjoy more vlogs and podcasts including interviews, discussions, and information about plant-based options we'v