Pjm Political By Pajamas Media

PJM Political 2/21/08: The Kudlow Connection



Tune in each Thursday to XM Channel #130, POTUS '08 at 6:00 PM Eastern/3:00 PM Pacific for Pajamas Media's weekly PJM Political show! (And at 11:00 PM Eastern/8:00 Pacific for a rebroadcast) If you missed this week's show, click below to listen: February 21st PJM Political On XM Satellite Radio Larry Kudlow of CNBC's Kudlow & Company explores the state of the economy today--and how it would fare under the three remaining presidential candidates. Plus: Host Bill Bradley diagrams the primaries in Hawaii and Wisconsin and the dueling soundbites of Michelle Obama and Cindy McCain. Mark Stricherz flashes back to the secret origins of the Superdelegates, and explains Why The Democrats Are Blue. Pajamas CEO Roger L. Simon interviews Texas councilman Chris Peden, who hopes to deflate the Ron Paul blimp. James Lileks on tautological Obamaisms Produced by Ed Driscoll. For extended versions of the interviews featured on the show, don't miss this week's PJM Political "Director's Cut Interview