Pjm Political By Pajamas Media

PJM Political 4/10/08: Iraq, Five Years On



Tune in each Thursday to XM Channel #130, POTUS '08 at 6:00 PM Eastern/3:00 PM Pacific for Pajamas Media's weekly PJM Political show! (And at 11:00 PM Eastern/8:00 Pacific for a rebroadcast) If you missed this week's show, click below to listen: April 10th PJM Political On XM Satellite Radio Jim Geraghty of National Review Online's Campaign Spot explores the escalation of Democratic primary rhetoric, which culminated in leftwing talker Randi Rhodes' picturesque description of a former first lady and sitting US senator. Plus: Host Bill Bradley interviews Steve Schmidt of the McCain Campaign braintrust. Austin Bay leads a roundtable discussion of Iraq five years on. (Edited to fit show's running length; full version online soon.) Austin's guests include: Glenn Reynolds Michael Totten Bill Roggio And Jules Crittenden Bridget Johnson live on location at the San Francisco Olympic protests. Produced by Ed Driscoll. A lo-fi edition of this week's show is available here. Finally, if you m