Pjm Political By Pajamas Media

PJM Political 04/25/09: Live From Geneva, It's Durban II



PJM Political 4-25-09--Saturdays and Sundays on Sirius-XM's POTUS channel, hosted by Steve Green of Vodkapundit.com. On today's show, Glenn Reynolds interviews National Review's Jim Geraghty on the pros and cons of last week's Tea Parties. James Lileks on the pros and cons of "torturing" captured terrorists. Pajamas Media's DC Editor, Jennifer Rubin, on the fiscal and economic policies causing a return of "That '70s Show". And recorded live at the United Nation's Orwellian Conference on Racism in Geneva, Pajamas Media CEO Roger L. Simon interviews Alan Dershowitz, Jon Voight, Shelby Steele, Claudia Rosett, and Anne Bayefsky of the Hudson Institute.