Pjm Political By Pajamas Media

PJM Political 6/20/09: From Government Motors To Iranian Dissenters



PJM Political -- Saturdays and Sundays on the Sirius-XM POTUS channel, hosted by Steve Green of Vodkapundit.com: Steve and Ed debate the possible outcomes of the Iranian uprising, the Obama health care reforms, and explore the ramifications of the new app. also that allows Sirius-XM on the iPhone. Five questions for James Lileks. Reut Cohen, host of the daily Sharia and Jihad Review on PJTV.com, talks with James Carafano of the Heritage Foundation on the role that Twitter is playing during the turmoil in Iran. Radio talker, author, blogger and PJTV.com host Hugh Hewitt on the role that the rest of the Blogosphere and broadcast media is playing in disseminating information about Iran. Pajamas Media's DC editor Jennifer Rubin interviews Marlo Lewis Jr., senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and DC-area auto dealer Geoffrey Pohanka on the future of the American auto industry. Novelist/screenwriter/ PJ Express blogger Andrew Klavan on the Bumper Sticker Police. Produced by Ed