Pjm Political By Pajamas Media

PJM Political 7/18/09: One Giant Leap For Blogkind!



PJM Political -- Saturdays and Sundays on the Sirius-XM POTUS channel, hosted by Steve Green of Vodkapundit.com: * Steve and Ed Driscoll discuss Judge Sonia Sotomayor and her appearance before the Senate this week, the Brave New World of Health Care Reform and the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. * Steve interviews James Lileks on the future of his newspaper, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, in the age of the Internet. * Taken from his Silicon Graffiti videoblog, Ed interviews Scott Baker and Liz Stephans of Breitbart.tv’s daily B-Cast Internet news show, on the coming convergence of traditional and Web-based television. * Pajamas DC editor Jennifer Rubin talks with Diana Furchtgott-Roth, a senior fellow with the Hudson Institute, on the influence of the AFL-CIO in Washington, DC. * Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit.com interviews Joseph Cao (R-LA), one of the rarest of endangered species in 2009 DC: the freshman Republican. * Pajamas CEO Roger L. Simon speaks with docu