Pjm Political By Pajamas Media

PJM Political 12/26/09: Look Back In Bemusement



PJM Political -- Saturdays on the Sirius-XM POTUS channel, hosted by Steve Green of Vodkapundit.com: Join host Steve Green of VodkaPundit.com for a look back in bemusement this Christmas weekend, at the year there was, and how we got we here: * Steve looks back at one of the biggest political stories of 2009, the passing of Sen. Ted Kennedy, which has repercussions to this day. * Blogger and syndicated "advice goddess" Amy Alcott sees rude people -- and does something about it. * PJM Political Producer Ed Driscoll looks back at the politicians, advisors, celebrities and dignitaries who’ve appeared on the show's first two seasons, with soundbites from: * Senator John McCain * Former Senator Fred Thompson * Former Ark. Gov. Mike Huckabee (plus James Lileks on 2007's brief "Huckabee boomlet!") * Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney * Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani * Steve Westly, eBay, co-founder, California Campaign Co-chair for Obama 08