Pjm Political By Pajamas Media

PJM Political 1/9/10: Overly-Embiggened Politicians Face A Year Of Entoastment



PJM Political -- Saturdays on the Sirius-XM POTUS channel, hosted by Steve Green of Vodkapundit.com: * In his interview with Ed Driscoll, Steve coins a perfectly cromulent new word to describe the ideal fate of beclowned politicians: entoastment. * From his weekly Instavision program, Glenn Reynolds talks with Dan Mitchell of the CATO institute, who explains why the Obama stimulus was a flop. * Allen Barton of PJTV talks with Terry Jones of Investors Business Daily and Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute. Since President Obama seems determined to keep CPAN is on the sidelines, will the revolution be televised? * Steve explores The Obama Doctrine with Caroline Glick, deputy managing editor of the Jerusalem Post: does it come down to Be Friends With Our Enemies and Unkind to Our Friends? * Steve on the Week In Blogs. * Produced by Ed Driscoll.