Pjm Political By Pajamas Media

PJM Political 2/6/10: Of Super Bowls and Show Trials



PJM Political -- Saturdays on the Sirius-XM POTUS channel, hosted by Steve Green of Vodkapundit.com: * From Trifecta on PJTV.com, featuring Steve, Bill Whittle, and Scott Ott, a look at the Tim Tebow and the Super Bowl ad the left doesn’t want you to see. * From his Afterburner series on PJTV, Bill Whittle looks at what he calls Super Bowl Democracy. As Bill says, In a country as huge as ours, representative democracy might be a crazy idea. But it’s so crazy it just might work -- if citizens rule, not czars. * From his weekly Instavision series on PJTV.com, Glenn Reynolds speaks with Marc Thiessen, former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, who believes that with Obama now at the helm, the hands of the CIA are now tied. And that America is, as the title of Thiessen's new book implies, Courting Disaster. * Joe Hicks of PJTV.com opens up the Hicks File on James O'Keefe of BigGovernment.com, and the show trial the mainstream media have held for him. As the Beastie Boys would say, Joe