Dysfunction Room

Interlude : On Holiday By Mistake - Reissued



Earlier this month the intrepid denizens of The Dysfunction Room set off in search of a place more bleak, more dispossessed and further from home than Crow Crag. It was found with ease within the bounds of Leeds.  Fortunately succour was found in the safe haven of The Hyde Park Book Club, home to a cast of hosts offering bright libation and a dark tale. Here's the rude outcome of our trip to see Withnail & I, one of the most iconic films ever made.   General notes: Through this episode we mention the following bits and pieces, some or none relate directly to Withnail & I We originally claimed that we were in Coffee Raid, a hip coffee bar in Leeds that is actually called Coffee RAND. We weren't, we were in the Opposite Cafe which is a hip coffee bar next door. We then moved on to The Hyde Park Book Club, we at least got the name right on that first time. Films and TV shows mentioned: Brazil, Commitments, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Whistle and I'll Come To You, Kes, Scum, Cathy Come Home, Pla