Dysfunction Room

Episode 4: Mine's a pint



Episode 4: Mine's a pint The Dysfunction Room is haplessly recorded in the illustrious snug of The Grove Inn in Leeds . Warning: sweariness abound. In this episode we wonder what makes a good beer. To help us along we have a bit of a tipsy chat with the enthralling and endearing Melissa Cole in the equally marvellous Hop Hideout . You should check them out and follow them on social media. https://twitter.com/melissacole https://twitter.com/HopHideout Credits: The underappreciated task of recording and editing is mostly undertaken by Sam and you can poke him with a stick on Twitter @andomain Rambling and vague leadership was provided by Luci and you should follow him on Twitter @generallucifer Andrew was mostly in a booze haze but his random shoutings are broadcast on Twitter @cyclingtiger Mental lubrication was supplied by good breweries and we recommend supporting yours (and ours because they're better). Questions, comments and abuse can be sent to us by email to dysfunctioncast@gmail.com. If your email ti