Green Majority Radio

Extreme To Talk About Human Extinction? (491)



Rich Penney, a volunteer with Zeitgeist Toronto joins us this week to talk about some of the most dangerous implications of runaway climate change. We felt it was important to circle back to this somewhat basic climate science because the face of denial has gone from Harper style 'it's not real/lets act like it's not' to Trudeau's 'it's real and we should do something, just not nearly as much as the science requires'. Just because someone says they accept climate change, doesn't mean that actually understand it nor does it mean they have any intention of actually doing what's required to stop it. In the second section, Stefan and Daryn move the conversation south to the US primaries, the Supreme Court challenge to Obama's Climate Plan and then days later the death of notoriously conservative Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia... with less than a year to a presidential race and the implications for not just the USA but potentially a zero-sum win/loss scenario on climate change. In the final section of the li