Green Majority Radio

Veganism, Nuance and Climate Activism (497)



Dr. James Hansen, formerly of the NASA Space Goddard Institute and current author for open-access journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics released a bombshell report about some updated calculations regarding how long we have to bring carbon emissions under control, and the intensity of and speed of which we will experience the repercussions. The main focus of the show is to talk about the intersection of veganism and climate activism. Over the last couple years, there has been a surge in folks calling themselves 'climate vegans', which should be a great thing (and can be) but unfortunately has led to almost as much 'bad blood' between the vegans and climate activists as it has created cooperation and positive change. In the last few shows, Stefan and Daryn made a few throw-away comments about this issue that were understandably misunderstood because we didn't explain why we felt that way, and what our position on veganism and the intersection with climate issues actually is. This is just a brief! Please c