Green Majority Radio

Burn This Puppy Down! #brexit (508)



The breaking news today is of course the stunning #brexit vote in the UK meaning it will leave the EU, and this presents a very real possibility that the entire EU will break apart. Between Trump, Bernie Sanders, the brexit vote, the various "springs" around the world etc etc etc. One thing is certain, people are pissed and are lashing out whether or not this is a disaster, or the flames before a great rebirth we will simply have to wait and see but it is undeniable the entire world is going through some giant lurching changes right now. The team discusses the political and environmental implications of this vote and the possible repercussions all over the world. This is just a brief! Please check the website here for full show notes: We are 100% member supported and need your help! Please check out our Patreon page to learn more: