Green Majority Radio

Robinhood and the United Nations (512)



Green Majority regular contributor and finance expert Tim Nash the sustainable economist joins us this week for a segment on the concept of a global "Robinhood Tax" and how this idea could address the vast wealth inequality all over the world, climate change and basically all the other big-ticket global problems all in one go. But you know, start small right? :) This is not a new idea, nor is it crazy... in fact it's already been proposed on a smaller scale in some countries and policies similar to this are already in place. Bonus Show! Deirdre and Daryn talk about ferrets and gene editing (part 2 of a discussion from last week) and Pokemon Go (yes really) and it's very real relevance to modern environmental impacts. If you think this is silly or not relevant, sorry! Your wrong :) Listen in on the podcast to find out why! This is just a brief! Please check the website here for full show notes: We are 100% member sup