West Pines Community Church

08-27-17 Mission Launch, Part 3: Astronaut Training



When I picture astronaut training, I imagine people floating around in zero gravity chambers. And that is definitely part of the training. But they need to be equipped with so much more than just experience floating in space. They are trained in all kinds of survival techniques. They have language training so that they can communicate to other astronauts in the Space Station. They have to learn the science and mechanics of how the rocket works. These adventurers have to be ready for anything. The training is essential. Interestingly, the Bible describes the church as a training ground. It is tasked to equip believers. But what are they training them to become? According to Ephesians, a church is called to grow Christians to the full degree of the greatest, most catalytic, history altering individual that has ever walked the planet - Christ. To put it simply: the church is intended to be a training ground pumping out world-changers.