Your Podcastle

#47 Road-Trip Cast



This episode works much better if you have a hearty breakfast burrito in hand while listening.We open with a fun cover of "Sixteen Tons". Then, Brett & Casey hit the road! With our navigator "the kid" in tow, we get monster breakfast burritos and head to a dandy produce stand in Soughhouse, CA. Listen along as we enjoy the countryside, dodge traffic, and cover the usual news, music (We feature tunes from Angaleena Presley, The Punch Brothers, and The Stray Birds), movies (Three Men & a Baby, Tusk, The Imitation Game, The Babadook and "Bro-Comedies"), and entertainment topics (We talk about Will Forte's new show Last Man on Earth, House of Cards and yes, Casey is still watching Star Trek Voyager). News topics include: Anti Gay Day (AKA "Flannel Day"), Loretta Lynch (First Female Black Attourney General), and NPR Pledge Drives. We introduce a new topic: The Apology. Also, The Kid eats his FIRST CHERRY!