Dark Discussions Podcast

Dark Discussions - Episode 038 - Iconic Characters in Horror Volume 1



Welcome to Dark Discussions podcast. Your place for the discussion of horror film, fiction, and all that's fantastic. Since Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and her creation of the monster, iconic horror characters have entered the imaginations but more so the nightmares of genre fans for generations. Whether they are supernatural monsters that stalk the night for new victims, whether they are wicked sociopaths filled with murdering wrath, whether they are demonic outer beings that collect souls for hell, monsters both human and inhuman have been the focus of frightening and lurid tales both in literature and film alike. Dark Discussions takes a look into what has frightened audiences over these past forty years. With an eclectic look into the genre, four fiends of death which have brought audiences terror and dread through various film franchises are spotlighted in detail. Michael Myers of John Carpenter’s Halloween fame seems human, yet could there be a supernatural element to his beginnings? The focus of