Dark Discussions Podcast

Dark Discussions - Episode 041 - M.J. Preston's The Equinox



Welcome to Dark Discussions podcast. Your place for the discussion of horror film, fiction, and all that's fantastic. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, Stephen King’s prominence brought about a flood of mass market paperbacks to bookstores, libraries, and supermarket checkout lines. Horror reading had become the fad and anyone who had a manuscript seemed to have their books published. Unfortunately most of them were horrible or mediocre at best and by the end of the 1990’s the horror market completely collapsed leaving only a handful of the early authors having their books published for a mass audience. Today a handful of great authors are still about including Jonathan Maberry, Gord Rollo, and Brian Keene. Others have dabbled within horror such as Douglas Preston, Michael Crichton, Lincoln Child, and Scott Sigler, but many of their books cross genres into techno-thrillers and science fiction. But for those looking for a throwback to the writings of Stephen King, a new novel from 2011 entitled The Equinox by M.J.