Dark Discussions Podcast

Dark Discussions - Episode 045 - Vampires in Folklore and Myth



Welcome to Dark Discussions podcast. Your place for the discussion of horror film, fiction, and all that's fantastic. As discussed in Episodes 021, 023, and 029, The State of Vampires episodes, vampires in film and literature have been a staple in media for a very long time. From such novels as John Polidori’s Vampyre, Sheridan LeFanu’s Carmilla and Bram Stoker’s Dracula, never mind the penny dreadful serial Varney the Vampire, all from the 1800’s, vampires have appeared as both the main character as well as the barely seen threat in genre fiction. After the written story, next came the impressively done stage plays followed by movies. Culturally, vampires became a large part of visual entertainment that made them larger than life, in some cases as a monstrous and ugly villain as seen in Nosferatu yet in other cases as a charming yet sociopathic individual as portrayed by Bela Lugosi. But whether literature, stage play, or film, the historical monster from folklore and myth has been twisted and redefined